An Oklahoma Autism Network Workshop
Elizabeth Strickland, MS, RD, LD - Registered Dietitian
ASD Nutrition Seminars & Consulting
May 17, 2008 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
This one – day workshop will provide an overview of the importance of nutrition therapy as a component of the comprehensive treatment of Autism and related disorders. Elizabeth will explain how nutrition can have a positive impact on your child’s behavior, mood, learning, memory, attention, sleep and brain function. Other topics covered include basic supplements, lab test, GFCF Diet, healing the gastrointestinal tract and feeding problems. Elizabeth will present her 10-Step ASD Nutrition Plan. Parents will leave with a basic nutrition intervention plan to implement at home for their child.
Elizabeth has over twenty-five years experience as a Pediatric Dietitian providing individual nutrition therapy, training professionals and parents, and coordinating nutrition services statewide in Texas for children with disabilities (Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADD and ADHD). She has presented at local, national and international conferences of professional organizations. Elizabeth has a private practice in San Antonio, Texas and also provides nutrition consultation to families nation-wide via telephone.
For registration information, contact :
Kacey Denton, Special Programs Coordinator
Oklahoma Autism Network
EFFORT Project
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
1600 N. Phillips Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Telephone: (405) 271-2131 ext:47126